And that’s totally okay! With the help of certified and current classroom teachers, TeacherVision creates and vets classroom resources that are accurate, timely, and reflect what teachers need to best support their students. If you speak in a soothing voice, your child may quiet down and listen to what you have to say. Your child is not doing it out of spite, it’s just in their nature to try and test their boundaries to see how far they can go. Limits turn restrictions into positive guidance, as opposed to restrictive directions like, "don't leave this room" or "don't take any more than two cookies." When it comes to de-escalation, limit setting is a highly effective and positive way to redirect a person in distress. What worked and what didn’t work? This technique works slowly over time. Discipline helps with goal-setting, and keeps your child focused on their goals. We’re unable to offer personal health advice, but we’ve partnered with Ms. Google 2020 who offers on-demand doctors to answer your medical questions.