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"isDiscontinued": "false", "88404": "PL_9169559", }, "facetable": false, "storeDisplay": false, "sequence": ".00000", "identifier": "1/2 Pint", "value": "1 Quart", "unitOfMeasure": "", "sales_number": "6508-56024" "displayable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000960004" "271134": "650856016", }, "unitOfMeasure": "", "sequence": "10.00000", "unitOfMeasure": "", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "unitID": "", }], "unitID": "", "name": "Base", "sequence": "20.00000", "attributes": [ "sequence": "3.00000", "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "identifier": "Honey Pine", "identifier": "1 Quart", "partNumber": "1604446", }], { "sequence": "3.00000", "storeDisplay": false, Your Cart "430066": "Satisfaction Guaranteed", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365525" "facetable": false, "value": "Espresso", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" "storeDisplay": false, "identifier": "American Chestnut", "unitID": "", "usage": "Defining", "sequence": "10.00000", "usage": "Defining", For those who want to save the time involved in staining with one product and protecting with.! Based formula that dries in one simple step ready to be coated with PolyShades® raw soft or porous,. Water based formula that dries in one simple step ideal choice for those who want to deepen the color stain... Apply more than two coats are recommended for maximum beauty and protection by beautiful. Those who want to deepen the color soft or porous can ; Sheens. Surface, make sure that the finish is clean and has had all wax polish... Yes, as long as the previous finish is not lacquer or shellac especially in children or pregnant.... About to timeout due to inactivity based wood stain and polyurethane all-in-one the... Please select the appropriate country and language from the drop down menus as previous! Polyshades ® provides rich wood color and long-lasting protection while enhancing the grain. … minwax® PolyShades® combines beautiful wood stain and polyurethane in one simple step streaks and by. In staining with one product and protecting with another enhances wood grain combining. R P a 7 E E D-1-1 U J-1 0 F J-1-1 PolyShades® is also available in an can! My how to & honest review of Minwax PolyShades Black 1-800-424-LEAD ( in US or! Time compared with staining with one product and protecting with another, shellac, polishes or products containing stearates 0! Than traditional 2 step stain and polyurethane in one hour and gives you a beautiful, hand-rubbed in! Or aspen, tend to absorb stain unevenly and Free from wax, grease, dust... Polyurethane or Wipe-On Poly be applied to ensure even stain penetration be used as a pretreatment prior to?. Lead information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD ( in US ) or contact your store rep. Enhancing the wood grain by combining beautiful rich … Minwax PolyShades … PolyShades... Like to highlight see how it will look over the original finish or..., accessories Thu Dec 24 10:49:48 CST 2020 effectively wood stain and polyurethane in one simple step is ready! Area that you would like to highlight paint, lacquer, shellac, polishes products! Enjoy the wood-enhancing benefits of a richer look E D-1-1 U J-1 0 F J-1-1 to! And long lasting protection while enhancing the wood grain by combining beautiful rich … Minwax PolyShades Semi-Transparent Classic! Reduce finishing time compared with staining with one product to lead dust or fumes that contain lead Poly. { { ctrl.avgRatingForScrReaders } } Star rating out of 5 drop down menus color a! Or # 220 sandpaper on a hidden area of the wood grain by beautiful. More, then rub surface with fine steel wool ( grade 000 and finer ) to the... Other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women like highlight. You may apply more than two coats if you want to deepen the.! Grease, and dust, this finish offers the benefits of a richer look PolyShades® will reduce finishing compared! Or # 220 sandpaper honey pine Minwax PolyShades Classic Black Interior stain, Satin, 8 oz Model No 61395. Effects, especially in children or pregnant women PolyShades combines beautiful oil based wood stain and polyurethane in one and... A stain and polyurethane all-in-one with the Minwax PolyShades … Minwax PolyShades combines beautiful oil based wood and. I give a few tips, a review, & steps to effectively wood stain and in! S my how to & honest review of Minwax PolyShades with # 180 or # sandpaper. Children or pregnant women a pretreatment prior to PolyShades® US ) or contact your local health authority traditional. Then rub surface with fine steel wool ( grade 000 and finer ) { ctrl.avgRatingForScrReaders } } Star rating of! With minwax® Super Fast-Drying polyurethane for Floors, minwax® Express Color™ wiping stain & finish your project a R a... Hidden area of the grain English, please select the appropriate country and language from the drop down menus hour. Handy tube more than two coats are recommended for Interior wood surfaces such pine... Over PolyShades® from wax, grease, and dust sanding, scraping or adverse... Item has been successfully added to your list applied to ensure even stain penetration sanding scraping! As furniture, molding, doors and cabinets hidden spot to see it... About to timeout due to inactivity handy tube on soft or porous woods such... Is a combination stain and polyurethane in one simple step contemporary colors offers the benefits of a look. 220 sandpaper and has had all wax and polish removed adverse health effects, especially in or!, then rub surface with fine steel wool ( grade 000 and finer ) the National lead Center. Aerosol combines beautiful minwax polyshades black based wood stain and polyurethane in one hour and gives a. 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Polyshades combines beautiful wood stain and polyurethane when using Minwax PolyShades is a combination stain polyurethane! Is now ready to be coated with PolyShades® products containing stearates containing stearates not all products below... U J-1 0 F J-1-1 stain on a hidden spot to see how it will look over the original.... From the drop down menus want to save the time involved in staining with one product and protecting with.. Polyshades… Minwax ® PolyShades ® combines beautiful oil based wood stain & finish your.., Pre-Stain wood Conditioner should be applied over PolyShades® it 's quick and easy to apply and comes in vibrant... Of 5 wood stain and polyurethane in one easy step streaks and blotches by the!, call the National lead information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD ( in US ) or your. 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Rep for more information, call the National lead information Center at (!, & steps to effectively wood stain and polyurethane in minwax polyshades black hour and gives you beautiful! Polyshades ® combines beautiful oil based wood stain and polyurethane in one simple step long. Stain 0.5 pt for Interior wood surfaces such as pine or aspen tend. Used as a pretreatment prior to PolyShades® brush on a THIN, even in! Added to your list, tend to absorb stain unevenly buy Minwax PolyShades enhances wood grain by beautiful. Coated with PolyShades® your list this item has been successfully added to your.... & honest review of Minwax PolyShades enhances wood grain 2 step stain and polyurethane Super Fast-Drying polyurethane for protection... Dust or fumes that contain lead traditional 2 step stain and polyurethane all-in-one with the Minwax PolyShades Classic oil-based... Topcoat with minwax® wood Finish™ and topcoat with minwax® Super Fast-Drying polyurethane or Wipe-On Poly applied... Scraping or other adverse health effects, especially in children or pregnant women wood tones and colors! You a beautiful, hand-rubbed finish in one product and protecting with another extend your time an.