They are shaped like straight razors and have a few rows of long teeth that tackle the undercoat hair as it gets trapped after coming loose and getting stuck under the topcoat. All in all, they do require grooming, but just 5 minutes per day. What Is The Coat Like? She is an amazing tracker and gentle with children, which inspired the family to establish Two River Wirehaired Dachshunds, not only out of love for Elkie but for the breed itself and a newly developed passion for tracking. Dachshunds are affectionate, fun-loving small dogs that are excellent family pets. Show dog or couch dog, they all need to be clean, brushed and well maintained so they stay happy and healthy.Show dogs with Wire Coats are hand stripped (either with bare fingers or using a stripping knife) in order to remove the … My wire haired dachshund doesn't seem to shed at all and its 95 degrees outside. So, before trying it for yourself, it is recommended that you have a professional groomer show you the proper method. Use coarse styles to comb out the undercoat, fine styles for finishing. As far as bathing, Doxies are known to have little to no body odor, meaning baths are not needed very frequently. The wire haired dachshund have distinct personality traits that differ from their smooth-coated or long-haired siblings. And the more your Dachshund enjoys grooming, the easier and more fun it will be for you as well. For brushing sessions, you can use a hand-strip, a stripping comb, or even combine the two methods to groom his coat. As a wirehaired dachshund with European bloodlines and a desire to track game, Elkie quickly became an essential part of the family. To hand strip your dog’s coat, you should place him on a stable surface (like a counter or grooming table). The stripping knife or comb has a small handle and a small thick serrated blade or a guarded razor blade. Curley is also an avid gardener, home renovator, Collie breeder, dog groomer and dog trainer. Hold a few hairs between your thumb and the side of your index finger. The hair is grasped by the thumb against the blade and pulled with a … My eye is a little scapegoat running around on the moon, FROM "MOONSHINE" BY SUSAN TAYLOR Buy Now. Even with their long hair, they are a pretty clean dog and only need a bath like once a month, unless you let them dig in the yard and get dirty. Grooming tables are available at any pet grooming supply store. #20 Blade Stripper is ideal for finishing and carding thick, fine coats such as Cockers, Spaniels, Setter and Afghans. Strip the sides of your wirehaired dachshund using the same stripping method. If you don't care about keeping your dog looking like a show dog, a wirehaired Dachsie can get by with an electric clipper shave whenever her wiry coat gets out of hand. Wires have a soft undercoat which needs to be pulled out leaving the harsh coat. Below is a basic explanation of the process. Always pluck the fur in the direction of growth, moving across your wirehaired dachshund's withers and down his back until you reach the base of his tail. The fine teeth are designed to be sharp and are ground after being tempered. Mars Double-Wide Coat King Stripping Comb for Dogs, 12-Blade: Sheepdogs, Newfoundland, Schnauzers, Wirehaired Pointer, Wirehaired Terrier, Dutch Shepherd, and similar coated dog breeds. I didn't show the Mom so I never did pull the hair, son I showed so I had to. Wire-haired dachshund. Good luck! Pluck the loose fur, moving down his side from his shoulders to the ribs and across his flanks. On this page we’ll go through some details about grooming wire haired dogs: different tips for bathing and drying, brushing, and finishing. Use one hand to firmly hold your dog’s fur and skin at the shoulder, and pluck the loose fur, pinching it between your thumb and index finger of your other hand, or use the stripping comb and hold the fur between your thumb and the stripping comb. Can any wirehaired dachshund owners recommend a good book specifically about caring for their coat? This stripping knife consists of a high-grade steel blade, rust free and hardened. Neither of … Wirehaired dachshunds have eyebrows and a beard on their faces and short fur on their ears. Working Standard Wire-haired Dachshunds since 1989. She has a life span of 12 to 14 years and she can be a funny and mischievous dog with some tendencies towards being a bit hyper. Coat King. Pluck the fur from your dog’s tail, giving it a uniform, tapered appearance. Dachshunds in general prefer to spend their days looking for a warm spot (or place in the sun) to nap. All in all, they do require grooming, but just 5 minutes per day. Hand stripping a dog’s coat can be tricky if you don’t know how to do it. Also, if you encounter tangles and mats, break them apart while the hair is dry and then comb them out. Just as with longhairs, you'll learn a lot by watching a pro demonstrate for you. Brushing . 15 Wire Haired Fox Terrier Grooming Tips . In Germany, Dachshund can be found in three sizes: Standard, Miniature and Kaninchen which can be told apart by the circumference of their chests. This will also help keeps them from shedding all over the house. As a result, their under and outer coat require brushing several times a week with a bristle brush. Stripping the coat is generally divided into three sections, the flatwork, jacket and the furnishings. Styling Products. These dogs can come in a few different varieties including short coated, wire haired, and long haired. Wearing latex gloves or sprinkling ear powder (with rosin) on the hair may help your grip. Wirehaired dachshunds can be clipped 2 or 3 times a year if you prefer not to strip its coat. We will talk more about “dry cleaning” of your pet further in the article. They are Fierce Hunting Dogs (despite their size) Contrary to the popular perception as an apartment dwelling and cafe-visiting pocket pooch (currently ranking as #12 on the list of most popular dog breeds), the wire-haired dachshund was originally bred to be independent and fierce hunters with a strong … Undercoat stripping sounds like torture, but stripping or plucking your wire-haired dachshund’s undercoat isn’t painful. elegant, lean look, Be … 3. If it is more comfortable, you can stand behind your dog. Submit. A booming voice underground and so easy to train in obedience. You can trim it slightly with scissors to give it a tapered look. It is more comfortable for you to groom with your dog standing on a table, because you don't have to stoop over such a small dog while stripping the coat. Gently pull the loose fur from between his eyes and eyebrows, keeping the eyebrow fur bushy and longer over the inside of the eye and tapering down to the outer edge of the dog’s eye. When you regularly groom your Dachshund not only do you improve your bond with your animal, you have the opportunity to spot problems before they get out of hand. Locate any mats or tangles and work them out with a metal comb by holding the hair away … However, you need to be aware of its special personality traits. Strip the front of your wirehaired dachshund’s neck and chest, following the fur direction and moving down to his belly. Teeth Care. Caring for Wire Haired Dachshund Puppies. A stripping comb, also called a stripping knife, has dull blades that help you grip the fur. Wire haired dachshund. Wire-haired dachshund puppy. 1 Stripping knife (optional — you can also use your fingers) 1 Scissors for neatening stray hairs 1 Clippers with a variety of blades, including a #10 For the longer haired Dachshunds (i.e Long haired, Miniature long haired, Miniature wire haired, wire haired) you should use a wire brush to groom your dog. Stripping Dachshunds In general, after grooming, the fur of on your wire haired dachshund’s body should be … Always pluck the fur in the direction of growth, moving across your wirehaired dachshund’s withers and down his back until you reach the base of his tail. Stripping Dachshunds When you finish stripping your dog’s back, run your fingers up his … Other owners like to have them groomed (similar to a schnauzer owner would), in which case their tangles are more controlled. If your dachshund struggles against the loop collar, you can try a harness or snap collar instead. Depending on how your dog tolerates stripping, you can do this in 10-minute sessions, taking a break between sessions, because a complete stripping can take up to two hours. Their short legs and long body … 7 Best Brushes for Dachshunds With 5 Simple … Wire dachshunds don't Have to be pulled. Using a stripping comb gives the same results as hand-stripping. We hope you now have a good idea of whether or not you are ready to make a wirehaired dachshund a part of your family. Bathing of a wire-haired dachshund before the exhibition has a few nuances,- the smoother and shorter hair of the body should not get wet; otherwise, it will become frizzy and will not look great for the show. Reviewed on Sep 11, 2014 … An adorable wire-haired dachshund. For Long or matted coats, use less blades for preparation and more blades for finishing. It is easy to groom your long haired dachshund as you only need a dog brush and a metal comb. You just gently grasp small sections of hair and pull lightly. Strip the ears so that the fur is short and smooth. These … For better traction, some people like to use chalk. This is usually when puppies reach about two months old. They need regular brushing and bathing every few months. Clipping is also best left to a professional groomer so it can be done safely and correctly. If you do not have a grooming table, or if your dog is afraid to stand on one, you can groom your wirehaired dachshund on the floor. Brush the hair using a slicker brush with metal pins set in … Dachshunds are a German breed of dog that hunters bred to hunt badgers (Dachshund translates to “badger dog” in German) and other tunneling animals. Also, if you encounter tangles and mats, break them apart while the hair is dry and then comb them out. American Kennel Club: Wirehaired Dachshunds, The Dachshund Club of America: Handbook on the Dachshund. Once the dog’s entire coat is stripped, the dog remains only with its undercoat until … (Too much use could result in a bald pet!) A mix of wet and dry cleaning will be a perfect grooming routine before the show. You can hand-strip, use a stripping comb, or combine the two methods to groom your wirehaired dachshund's coat. You should get familiar with grooming basics and to create a proper grooming routine. The back of the neck should taper area out. Jacqueline Garlans. Wire haired dachshund at the beach. The coat will require regular stripping … Anonymous. She received USDA certification in food components, nutrient sources, food groups and infant/child nutrition, and holds a B.A. Wearing latex gloves or sprinkling ear powder (with rosin) on the hair may help your grip. Basic grooming A regular grooming routine will usually consist of Brushing: Brush your […] Hand stripping is the process of pulling the dead hair out of the coat of a non-shedding dog, either by using a stripping knife or the fingers. You can hand-strip, use a stripping comb, or combine the two methods to groom your wirehaired dachshund's coat. Stripping the coat two or three times per year removes dead fur, allows new fur to grow, and preserves the coat’s rough texture. It sounds like torture, but stripping or plucking your wirehaired dachshund’s undercoat isn’t painful. Wire haired dachshunds do shed but not much. Using a stripping comb gives the same results as hand-stripping. If your pet is comfortable lying on his back or side, this can make stripping his belly easier. But first, let’s see the characteristics of this type of coat. Treats. On white background with space for text . You can opt to clip your companion dog's fur with electric grooming clippers. Only use once a week or every other week. We hope you now have a good idea of whether or not you are ready to make a wirehaired dachshund a part of your family. These breeds of dogs have releasing hair follicles which is an evolutionary trait that used to stop the hair from getting caught and tangled in weeds and sticks. The wirehaired dachshund's double coat consists of a short, soft undercoat with a topcoat of short, coarse fur. When you finish stripping your dog’s back, run your fingers up his fur from the tail to his shoulders. Good luck! Caleb is a … Trim the fur around your dog’s anus and underneath the tail with blunt-tipped scissors instead of plucking, because these are sensitive areas. Some owners choose to leave them natural, in which case I would recommend a stripping comb as they tend to get matted (especially if outside in brushy areas). Use scissors to shape the fur around your pet’s feet to give them a rounded appearance. Smooth haired … For this reason, wire-haired Dachshunds have the general breed traits with some variations that may be described as more “terrier-like”. Place your dog on the grooming table, and position the grooming loop around his neck. 15 Wire Haired Fox Terrier Grooming Tips . Note: going against or aside hair growth will cause excessive cutting of hair. The longer the coat, the more blades the better. To hand strip your dog’s coat, you should place him on a stable surface (like a counter or grooming table). Breed Guide. By pulling out old coat you will make room for a new and strong coat to grow in. Today, the breed, which is characterised as "long, low and level", is popular both as a show dog and pet. Wire-haired dachshunds are different to other dachshunds because they have thick undercoats that need stripping twice a year (unless they have a ‘pin wire’ coat that doesn’t need stripping at all). The softer the coat, the finer the gap between the blades. Handstripping a wirehaired dachshund. The Mauxie is is a mixed dog with two purebred parents, the Dachshund and the Maltese. This dog also needs to be brushed every week to avoid any sort of knotting, especially if they get into something dirty, as it can stick to their coarse fur. Brushing too hard will damage their skin. Hold a few hairs between your thumb and the side of your index finger. You can do the same thing at home by gently grasping small sections of hair and pulling lightly. The list of wirehair grooming tools is short, but the grooming process is long: 1 Natural bristle brush 1 Steel comb. The use of stripping comb to remove the old wirehair coat of a small dog is relatively quick (approx 90 mins) and straight forward, but has the disadvantage of breaking many new hairs in the process. Combines a short, soft undercoat with wiry guard hairs growing through it to create a harsh, wiry and weatherproof jacket. In front of white background. I have to do it myself as I have not found a grooming establishment that knows how to do stripping. This is probably great if you are a little dog that was bred to go down holes after rodents and such, like a Terrier, for instance! General tips apply to all wire haired breeds. While some owners go for the clipped look, hand-stripping your wire haired terrier helps maintain his natural “scruffy” look. So, before trying it for yourself, it is recommended that you have a professional groomer show you the proper method. Hilde OTCh & FC Ursula from Golden Creek CG SE My foundation bitch. The life expectancy of a wire-haired dachshund is 15 years. Sorry video ended abruptly, camera died The fine teeth are designed to be sharp and are ground after being tempered. For very short coats, more blades with smaller gaps will be best. You can do the same thing at home by gently grasping small sections of hair and pulling lightly. Stripping entails holding a few hairs between the thumb and side of the index finger and pulling straight out using a gentle, yet firm motion. Sometimes called a Moxie or just a Dachshund/Maltese Mix, she is a small cross who can be found sometimes taking part in hunting and guarding events. Strip the fur across his cheeks, and gently remove any loose fur from around his eyes. (See Chapter 16 for more information about grooming the wirehaired Dachshund.) Dogs of this breed come in two sizes: miniature and standard; and three different coat varieties: smooth, wirehaired and longhaired. I have not found another comb that works as well as this one for the "stripping" method of grooming she requires. Grooming him often keeps your four-legged friend looking and feeling like a show dog. Do not buy if you are not hand stripping a wirehaired dog. Wire haired dachshund with red suit of Santa Claus on wooden crate with luxury gifts isolated over. Remove dead hair from your dog’s beard, but keep his beard long. Grooming the Dachshund If you socialize your Dachshund to grooming early, he’ll probably enjoy it. Tick Prevention. After stripping, the fur on your wirehaired dachshund's body should be from 1/2 to 3/4 inch long. Puppies should be introduced to hand-stripping at an early age to get them used to the procedure. And if you can't spend 5 minutes … Stripping a Wire Haired Dachshund’s coat will allow the regrowth to be able to grow healthily. Step 1. Keeping your Dachshund well-groomed is an important part of maintaining her overall health. The softcoated Dachshund can be kept tidy only by stripping. Wire Hair Dachshund Pups for Sale from Heartfelt Dachshunds are popular choices, as well. BTW I did get advice from my breeder on the … Stripping Knives. I haven't been able to find any on the net either so if anyone has expericence of one that they can recommend it would be much appreciated. Those who are using a stripping knife will keep the hairs between the thumb and the blade when pulling out. Can any wirehaired dachshund owners recommend a good book specifically about caring for their coat? Stripping the coat two or three times per year removes dead fur, allows new fur to grow, and preserves the coat’s rough texture. This is the only way that will maintain a correct wiry and harsh texture of the coat. For hand-stripping, you will need a special comb – like this one. Begin hand- or comb-stripping at your dachshund's shoulder while standing at his right or left side. For example, wires are known to be more feisty and outgoing with very strong personalities. However, you need to be aware of its special personality traits. The hair on the legs, head and ears is always soft, and the harsh, even coat of the correct wirecoated Dachshund is completely lacking. Wire Haired Dachshund Personality. A professional groomer uses a special stripping comb to grasp the dead hairs and pull them off. by | Dec 30, 2020 | Uncategorized | | Dec 30, 2020 | Uncategorized | This picture shows her with her natural coat, not groomed. The loop hangs from the grooming arm, which attaches to the table. See more ideas about dogs, diy dog stuff, dog kennel. Hand stripping a dog’s coat can be tricky if you don’t know how to do it. The Grooming Process. Wire Haired Dachshund Breed Description. Begin hand-stripping your wirehaired dachshund as soon as the coat begins to grow longer than one inch. For hand-stripping, you will need a special comb – like this one. Brush their coat gently in the direction that their hair grows. Strip the loose fur on your wirehaired dachshund’s legs, but leave the fur a little longer than the rest of the coat. Any dead fur you missed will stand up, and you can remove it. Absence of the wiry topcoat is a fault in the show ring. Begin stripping between his front legs, then down across his abdomen to the underbelly. or Create an accountCreate an account Hand-stripping also requires finger strength, so you might need a break before your dog does. Select Page. To socialize your Dachshund to grooming: Start a consistent grooming routine immediately after you bring your Dachshund home. Those who are using a stripping knife will keep the hairs between the thumb and the blade when pulling out. ;' If the neck area. Regular exercises can help your dog feel happy and healthy for many years. The Dachshund is a short-legged, short-bodied small dog breed that was initially bred to scent, chase, and flush out badgers. They have a soft, thick, undercoat, and wiry long hairs that grow through the undercoat and stick out. You can strip with only your hands, or you may prefer to purchase a stripping knife or comb to help you with this process. Quick Guide: Coarse & Medium styles (#6 - #12 blades) for preparatory work and thinning out undercoat Using electric clippers on the wiry topcoat of wirehaired dachshunds is not for show dogs. Wire-haired dogs from the terrier family have a different coat from most dogs. Brush your dog to remove loose fur, dirt or debris caught in his coat. Comb with the MAGNET STRiPPING BLADE until no more coat comes out. A professional groomer uses a special stripping comb to grasp the dead hairs and pull them off. Our puppies come from a long line of registered canines who have enjoyed a loving, happy existence here at Heartfelt Dachshunds. Unfortunately, however, it can never be disguised. If you clip your wire, you will just cut the hair tips, that's all. My eye is a little scapegoat running around on the moon, FROM "MOONSHINE" BY SUSAN TAYLOR High-grade steel blade, rust free, micro-serration, fine … Wire hairs are a result of the introduction of terriers into the Dachshund lineage hundreds of years ago. It sounds like torture, but stripping or plucking your wirehaired dachshund’s undercoat isn’t painful. in English from the University of Massachusetts. Below is a list that can help get to know the dog you are about to buy. Dachshunds are still used by some people for working; typically tracking fallen deer, and these … You can strip with only your hands, or you may prefer to purchase a stripping knife or comb to help you with this process. … Wire-haired Dachshunds haircuts don’t need to too frequent or complex, especially if you’re good about grooming. Begin stripping your wirehaired dachshund’s head behind his eyebrows. Karen Curley has more than 18 years experience in health and nutrition, specializing in healthy food choices for families. Regular exercises can help your dog feel happy and healthy for many years. Cannot choose between colored cups with food on white background. most Terriers, Schnauzers, Wirehaired Dachshund). Wire-haired Dachshunds haircuts don’t need to too frequent or complex, especially if you’re good about grooming. A fine wooden handle made from Bubinga red wood, naturally FSC (sustainable forestry) certified, fits optimally for the high-quality appearance of this stripping knife. Always pluck the fur in the direction of growth, moving across your wirehaired dachshund’s withers and down his back until you reach the base of his tail. The list of wirehair grooming tools is short, but the grooming process is long: 1 Natural bristle brush 1 Steel comb 1 Stripping knife (optional — you can also use your fingers) 1 Scissors for neatening stray hairs 1 Clippers with a variety of blades, including a #10 Wire-haired dachshund puppy. I haven't been able to find any on the net either so if anyone has expericence of one that they can recommend it would be much appreciated. 3. Hand stripping involves plucking the dogs hair in the direction that it grows. Keeping your Dachshund well-groomed is an important part of maintaining her overall health. Still looks too thick, use the thinning shears to achieve a sleek, sure to Cut, comb and evaluate. Daxies also have very fast-growing fur on their feet which needs daily … Place tool on coat with light pressure and comb out in the direction of hair growth. This stripping knife consists of a high-grade steel blade, rust free and hardened. It holds your dachshund in place while you groom him, so he won’t jump off or fall from the grooming table. Hand Stripping Basics by Laura Reeves, PHAGuest ColumnistAll coat types require specific grooming in order to keep the coat in top condition. Using a stripping comb gives the same results as hand-stripping. The Pedigree Obedience Hound of 1992. Equipment needed: Bristle brush, medium-toothed comb, stripping knife. Wire Hair Dachshund Puppies are bred to provide love and companionship in your home. For better traction, some people like to use chalk. If you want your dog to look ready for the show ring, however, you need a few other tools — including your thumb and forefinger, which you'll use periodically to pluck the longer hairs from your Dachshund's coat (it doesn't hurt her), or a stripping knife. Laurel Whistance-Smith, Breeder 705-277-9183 : About My Dogs: All my dogs are related and go back in two lines through Chanté to Hilde. If you are using a stripping tool, place … A fine wooden handle made from Bubinga red wood, naturally FSC (sustainable forestry) certified, fits optimally for the high-quality appearance of this stripping knife. Usually, the first order of business is to pick out a spot on your couch or bed and claim it as their home base. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. When you regularly groom your Dachshund not only do you improve your bond with your animal, you have the opportunity to spot problems before they get out of hand. Brush your wirehaired terrier’s entire coat with a wire slicker brush. The longer the coat, the finer the gap between the blades. Excellent grooming comb for my wire haired dachshund. Other owners like to have them groomed (similar to a schnauzer owner would), in which case their tangles are more controlled. With most wires, the best approach to grooming is by hand-stripping. Owners of wirehaired Dachshunds commonly strip the coat twice a year, first in spring, just ahead of the warm summer weather, and again in the fall, ahead of the growth of a new winter coat. Clipping is recommended if a wirehaired dachshund has a very soft, fine and fluffy coat. Introduction . Some hairs from the undercoat show through the rough topcoat hairs. The life expectancy of a wire-haired dachshund is 15 years. The Mars Coat King Stripping Combs can strip and detangle coats quickly and effectively. A stripping comb, also called a stripping knife, has dull blades that help you grip the fur. Below is a basic explanation of the process. If I were to groom her, I would hand strip her body coat with some help of King-Coat comb, and I would clip her furnishings and hair on her belly. As a result, their under and outer coat require brushing several times a week with a bristle brush. Excellent comb for Stripping method of dog grooming. Buy Now. If you're interested in buying or … Use pet clippers with a short attachment to trim the ends of its fur, and avoid shaving its coat. Wirehaired Dachshund; Tips for Hand Stripping Your Dog’s Coat. Wire-haired dachshunds are different to other dachshunds because they have thick undercoats that need stripping twice a year (unless they have a ‘pin wire’ coat that doesn’t need stripping at all). It’s hard to resist the charm of what some lovingly refer to as “weiner dogs,” or more commonly known as Dachshunds or Doxies for short. (See Chapter 16 for more information about grooming the wirehaired Dachshund.) long boring video on technique of hand stripping. 1. The list of wirehair grooming tools is short, but the grooming process is long: 1 Stripping knife (optional — you can also use your fingers) 1 Scissors for neatening stray hairs 1 Clippers with a variety of blades, including a #10, How To Housetrain and Potty Train Any Dog, Learning To Live With An English Bull Terrier, Ten Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dachshund, The Long and Short of Dachshund Varieties. The dead undercoat hairs will come right out and the new hairs should slip through your fingertips. Log me in automatically on each visit. As a general rule: The softer the coat, the more blades the better. Some owners choose to leave them natural, in which case I would recommend a stripping comb as they tend to get matted (especially if outside in brushy areas). wire haired dachshund price. Dec 12, 2019 - Explore Belinda Holman's board "Dogs" on Pinterest. Wirehaired Dachshund; Tips for Hand Stripping Your Dog’s Coat. An adorable wire-haired dachshund. First, this stripping tool is intended for wirehair dogs (e.g. Stripping entails holding a few hairs between the thumb and side of the index finger and pulling straight out using a gentle, yet firm motion. (See Chapter 16 for more information about grooming the wirehaired Dachshund.) She was … This makes hand- or comb-stripping easier, because brushing catches much of the shedding fur. A stripping comb, also called a stripping knife, has dull blades that help you grip the fur. They can also be used to break up thick areas of matted fur. Lift his front leg with one hand, and pluck the fur using your other hand. Bassotto pelo ruvido cioccolato image by Emanuela Frasca from. After stripping, the fur on your wirehaired dachshund's body should be from 1/2 to 3/4 inch long. Move up and across the top of his head and down the back of his neck. I had 2, a mother and son. They need weekly brushing to prevent mats and remove loose fur. They need regular brushing and bathing every few months. A wire haired dachshund can easily become your best friend for life. Takes zero effort to use, I did a few test strokes and got a lot of fur off of one of my pups, looking forward to sitting down, stripping them fully, and seeing the results! Supplements. I am brand new to stripping, I tried hand stripping with some nitrile gloves and got very small amounts of fur off, probably didn't have enough grip, decided to go ahead and order/try a knife, glad I did! For wirehair dogs ( e.g your wire-haired dachshund is 15 years Dachshunds My wire haired dachshund does n't stripping comb for wire-haired dachshund shed! A wire-haired dachshund is 15 years neck should taper area out from 1/2 to 3/4 inch long and create... Too thick, undercoat rakes are the top tool for wire haired and longhair Doxies we will more... Be able to grow longer than one inch the more your dachshund in place while you groom,! 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